The population of cities increases in Europe. This is a big challenge for the organization of transport in urban areas. For environmental friendly transport and to reduce CO2-consumption the alternatives for normal cars have to be introduced. A crucial aspect is to foster the combination of different environmental transport modes like public transport, cycling and also new arise mobility solutions. One way to combine these modes is a mobility management approach. The challenge here is that in city administrations a lack of instruments and unclear responsibilities exist. For successful implementation of mobility management also different actors and user groups has to involve like companies and inhabitants as end users.
The main goal of the project DEMO-EC (duration 01/2017 – 12/2022) is to integrate mobility management in city development/planning by analyzing, exchange and dissemination of good practice to improve the effectiveness of policies in the field of low-carbon in transport. The envisaged impact of the project is to positive influence policies to envisage low-carbon alternatives for transport mobility by supporting cleaner transport modes and systems, and by promoting alternative mobility behavior.
To reach these aims the partners of DEMO-EC collect Best-practices from local, regional, national and European level in the fields of Behavior change, Governance/participation, E-Mobility, Car reduction (walking, cycling) and Public transport. The partners, consist of cities and regional development agencies from 6 different countries, exchange their experiences and results of the best practice analysis to improve policy programmes by developing 7 regional action plans. The experienced and best-practices gained in the project also helps cities to improve their instruments and realize mobility management in their cities and regions.
With the aim of revisiting the project topic under the aspect of the COVID-19 crisis, the EU funding for the set partner structure was prolonged (duration 09/2021 – 12/2022). During the extension period, the project topic of urban mobility under the influence of the COVID-19 crisis will be considered. Through the exchange of experience between the regions in the form of peer reviews, possible solutions will be determined on how to deal with the new situation and how to recover from the impact of the crisis. For this purpose, additional budget of over €330,000 was approved by the funding body.
The partners come from six different countries and seven regional action plans are being developed
Partners: Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH (DE); City of Leipzig, Department of Transport and Public Works (DE); Sinergija Regional Development Agency (SI); FAMCP Federation of Municipalities, Regions and Provincies of Aragón (ES); City of Lublin (PL); City of Genoa (IT); City of Liberec (CZ).
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