Districts in the Leipzig region exchange ideas on location marketing

16.03.2022 - The heads of the business development departments of the districts of Leipzig, Central Saxony and Northern Saxony will meet on 22 March for an exchange on location marketing measures and regional value chains as part of the regional budget project.

The three districts want to strengthen the implementation of their regional budgets and explore future cooperation.  The focus of the meeting in the premises of the Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig project agency is therefore the search for synergies in the implementation of the individual measures of the regional budget in the individual districts.

The district of Central Saxony has been using the regional budget since 2017 and can therefore share its years of experience in the successful implementation of the measures with the other districts.

The initiation of regional value chains and entrepreneurial networks has already produced initial results. For example, over 120 companies are involved in the regional network with the exhibition and brochure "ProduktSCHAU ... was es in Mittelsachsen alles gibt".  The district of Leipzig has only recently started the project and the district of North Saxony plans to implement it in the course of the year.

The aim of the regional budget is to improve regional cooperation and regional marketing. The funding from the programme Gemeinschaftsaufgabe "Improvement of the Regional Economic Structure" offers the participating districts the opportunity to implement individual measures to strengthen the business location.


RATIO project continues with exchange on COVID-19 consequences

24.02.2022 - An interregional workshop to exchange good practices will take place on 08 March.

Thanks to a fifth call of the Interreg Europe Programme, in which RATIO successfully participated in spring 2021, the project has been continued for an additional year. During this period, the focus has been reconsidered under the influence of the Corona pandemic. The exchange of experiences between the European partners will be continued and focused on the new situation.

To this end, an interregional good practices workshop entitled "XX" will be held on 8 March. Partners will present successful measures to support the innovation capacity of SMEs from their regions. There will also be space for the exchange of these measures with its beneficiaries and owners, as well as experts from this field. In this way, all partners will learn about measures that can possibly be implemented or adapted in their regions.



Kick-off meeting for the EU-BELONG integration project

24.02.2022 - On 23th and 24th of February, the kick-off meeting for the EU-BELONG project took place in Brussels and online.

The project aims to improve the socio-economic inclusion and sense of belonging of migrants by developing regional integration strategies. Over the next three years, we will work with partners from Spain, Italy, France, Romania, Ireland, Poland, Sweden and Austria to build the capacity of public and private actors to effectively address the challenges of migrant integration.

At the meeting, more than 25 representatives from all project regions got to know each other and were able to exchange ideas about the upcoming project activities. Numerous questions were clarified and plans were made to achieve the project's goal.

Aufbauwerk is looking forward to the upcoming cooperation with the numerous partners from all over Europe and is now starting its work.


Art, culture and business creatively networked

16.02.2022 – On February 10th, a matching event took place in Flöha as part of the EU-project SACHE.

The diverse offering of Saxony's creative scene was the focus of the first Culture & Creative Winter Market at Villa Gückelsberg Flöha, which was sponsored by Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH as part of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project SACHE. The aim was to network actors of the Saxon art and culture scene with each other as well as with representatives of the economy. The diverse offer of the Saxon creative scene was to be made experiencable with all senses - and this succeeded splendidly!

From Schlager to Erzgebirge fairy tale treasures, erotic poems to wooden toys, and handcrafts to VR glasses: Saxony's creatives are not lacking in ideas, as the more than 50 guests of the first Culture & Creativity Winter Market could see. They had accepted the invitation of the Dr. Sternkopf media group and the agency Maikirschen & Marketing from Oschatz in the Villa Gückelsberg in Flöha to see for themselves in the historical atmosphere.

The concept was very well received by the participants after the long break due to corona. And the motto was not only "Being there is everything." The presentations at the opening program as well as in the following project show animated to participate and to discuss.

The musical framework was provided by pop singer Zwini and musician Ferdinand Saalbach. The latter combined his performance with autobiographical themes, in which he also struck thoughtful notes. The Erzgebirge fairy tale treasure is the affair of the heart of Claudia Curth. She used the creative market to present her Erzgebirge fairy tales, with which she has already filled three books. Wolfram Liebing, mayor of Wolkenstein, brought emotions into play with his erotic poems, and Romy Einhorn's laughter yoga exercises had the guests literally shaking with laughter. The final round of introductions left no questions unanswered and prepared the ground for fruitful discussions at the presentation stands on the upper floor. The exchange was accompanied by the wonderful sounds of the baroque ensemble.

In the exhibition of projects, the participants devoted themselves to practical topics. The children's toys from the company SINA Spielzeug, which have made it into the playrooms of the Japanese imperial family, were available to touch and try out. Right next door, there were felted works of art to marvel at - portraits of beloved pets that you certainly hadn't seen before. They are made by Katrin Orrell as commissioned works from wool from regional sheep farming and sold as far as Austria. Photography, graphics and design are the specialty of Bianka Behrami. She presented her illustration projects and answered questions about the creation process. An impressive VR project by VRENDEX GmbH brings the ballads of the great German poets to life for schoolchildren as a multimedia show using modern VR technology. The partner is the Theater Zwickau.

The organizers of the creative market can already report successes, because already on the same evening interested parties came together for the first joint creative ideas.


Matching Event for the Cultural and Creative Industries in Saxony

07.02.2022 – On February 10th, a matching event will take place in Flöha as part of the EU-project SACHE.

The upcoming event will take place as a regional pilot action within the framework of the SACHE project, which aims at promoting cultural heritage as an accelerator for creative entrepreneurship. Under the title "Cultural and Creative Winter Market", this matching event will contribute to promoting regional collaborations between cultural institutions and creative actors in Saxony.

When? Thursday, February 10, 2022, 5pm
Where? Villa Gückelsberg in Flöha

The aim is for the participants to show each other what the cultural and creative scene in Saxony has to offer. For example, joint programs and projects can be set up in the future. Representatives from medium-sized businesses will be present as well to get inspiration for their events.

For more information and to register for the event, please contact us at projekt@aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.





7th Peer Review E-MOB (online) in Austria

31.01.2022 - The seventh Peer Review in the E-MOB project took place online. It was hosted by the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg in Austria.

The Interreg Europe project E-MOB, in which Aufbauwerk is the lead partner, aims to improve electric mobility solutions in regional passenger transport systems. The regular exchange of partners and external experts through peer reviews is an essential part of the project.

Like all previous peer reviews, the one in Austria had to take place online due to the ongoing pandemic. Nevertheless, our partners from FH Vorarlberg gave all participants a deep insight into the state of electromobility in the region. Vorarlberg has been a model region for electric mobility since 2008. More than 5,000 electric cars are currently driving on the state's roads, with another 2,000 added in 2021. These cars are charged at more than 500 charging points and over 80 additional fast-charging stations.

The partners from Austria explained their experiences in the use of e-buses in more detail at the event, with practical input from scientists of the FH Vorarlberg as well as from the local public utilities and the local transport association, among others.

This led to an exciting exchange between the project partners. The host was able to take away some important information from the other regions for his future projects. At the end of the events, there was also the opportunity to talk to Johannes Rauch, the State Minister for the Environment, Climate Protection and Public Transport of the Province of Vorarlberg.





European Networking Event for Creative and Cultural Industries on January 25

20.01.2022 – At the end of January, a transnational event will take place within the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Project SACHE

SACHE aims at promoting cultural heritage as an accelerator for creative entrepreneurship. To encourage this, collaborations between cultural institutions and creative actors are formed and promoted within the project.

In the last project semester, a big online event will take place on January 25, 2022, bringing together project partners and actors from the cultural and creative industries. In this frame, project results will be disseminated and connections between actors in a European level enabled.

The agenda for the event can be accessed here. If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please contact Aufbauwerk staff (projekt@aufbauwerk-leipzig.com). We look forward to numerous participants!




Aufbauwerk launches new project EU-BELONG

05.01.2022 - In the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, Aufbauwerk is launching a new project called EU-BELONG in January with numerous partners from all over Europe.

The project aims to improve the socio-economic inclusion and sense of belonging of migrants by developing regional integration strategies. Over the next three years, Aufbauwerk will work with partners from Spain, Italy, France, Romania, Ireland, Poland, Sweden and Austria to build the capacity of public and private actors to effectively address the challenges of migrant integration. Involving relevant stakeholders from business, NGOs, public authorities and other organisations, intercultural integration strategies will be developed in each region, including suggestions for improvement to the regional authority from relevant actors in the field. Replicable methodologies for the development and implementation of these strategies will be developed and tested. Aufbauwerk will also improve the exchange of experience and transnational cooperation between European regions and EU actors with its partners.
A meeting of the project partners on 23 and 24 February 2022 in Brussels is to give the starting signal. Beforehand, there will be a working meeting on 28 January to coordinate the content.




New project ideas for the region and Europe

22.11.2021 - The start of the first call for funding in the European Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE programme marks the beginning of an exciting period of project development at Aufbauwerk.

For several weeks now, Aufbauwerk has been preparing to participate in the first call for proposals of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE programme, which has started on 15 November. In this way, the valuable transnational and interregional work of Aufbauwerk for the region is to be continued and consolidated in the coming years.

The focus of the new call is to bring together the regions and cities of Central Europe across borders to find appropriate solutions for their citizens, fairly and equally everywhere. The aim of the programme is a smarter, greener and better connected Central Europe.

Aufbauwerk is currently preparing several project ideas as lead partner for the application.  One project, for example, is to address the topic of the circular economy. Together with regional and European partners, this issue is to be applied and further developed in the cultural sector. In addition, Aufbauwerk is working on a project on groundwater, as part of the adaptation to the climate crisis. The processing and visualisation of relevant data and the use of innovative technologies in the European partner countries will be the focus here.

Together with the partners from the Leipzig region and Europe, the Aufbauwerk is looking forward to an exciting and productive time until the application deadline on 23 February 2022.




Start of European Projects in the New Funding Period

08.10.2021 – Aufbauwerk is looking forward to starting its work within the new funding period 2021-2

In 2019, the Interreg Europe project RATIO was successfully completed under the leadership of the lead partner from Spain, with the participation of Aufbauwerk. The project aimed to improve the innovative capacity of SMEs in rural areas. In 2021, the Interreg Europe project DEMO-EC will also be completed as planned, under the leadership of Aufbauwerk. DEMO-EC aims to develop sustainable mobility management in European cities.

Thanks to a fifth call from the Interreg Europe project, in which RATIO and DEMO-EC successfully participated in the spring of 2021, the projects will now be continued for an additional year. The main topics will be re-examined under the influence of the corona pandemic during this period. The exchange of experience between the European partners will be continued while focusing on the new situation.

Aufbauwerk will thus implement further activities in the DEMO-EC project from September 2021 to August 2022. RATIO will be continued from October 2021 to September 2022 with the participation of Aufbauwerk. These two projects are the first substantive starts in the new funding period.

As of October 2021, Aufbauwerk will also participate in the first call of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project. In this way, the valuable transnational and interregional work of Aufbauwerk for the region will be continued and deepened in the coming years.



ECO-CICLE: Cycling Conference in Spain



20.09.2021 – The project partners will meet in October in Barcelona to visit the EuroVelo & Cycling Tourism Conference.

The Interreg Europe project ECO-CICLE aims to promote cycling tourism in natural areas. As part of the last activities before the upcoming project end in May 2022, the partners from Germany, Spain, Poland, Slovenia, Italy and Belgium will meet for the EuroVelo & Cycling Tourism Conference. The conference will take place in Barcelona from October 5 to 7, 2021.

During the project, Aufbauwerk cooperates closely with the Green Ring Leipzig (GRL) on a regional level. For this reason, representatives of GRL were invited by Aufbauwerk to participate in the conference. Exciting insights into the subject of cycling tourism for Leipzig and its surrounding areas can certainly be gained here.



DEMO-EC: High-level Dissemination Event as Project Closure






17.09.2021 – At the end of October, an event will be held in Genoa, Italy, to present the project results to a wide audience in the frame of the project closure.

Since January 2017, the Interreg Europe Project DEMO-EC, that deals with the topic of mobility, has been implemented by partners from Germany, Slovenia, Spain, Italy and Poland under the leadership of Aufbauwerk. The project will end in December 2021.

All partners will meet in Genoa on October 21, 2021, to present the project results. Interested experts, stakeholders and political actors from all regions are invited to the event as well.

After many months of online meetings, due to COVID-19, the event will be held in-person. A live-streaming will also be provided.

The partners will continue to work together in 2022 thanks to expanded funding from the Interreg Europe program as part of a fifth program call. The exchange of experiences among the regions will continue on the topic of low-carbon transport and mobility management under the umbrella of the Corona crisis.



Regionalbudget: The Funding for Central Saxony Continues



28.07.2021 – The newly established umbrella working group to support the definition of planned measures during the continuation of "Regionalbudget" came together in a first digital meeting.

As a corporation of the district of Central Saxony, Aufbauwerk has been supporting the application and implementation of “Regionalbudget” since 2017. With this three-year funding from the program Gemeinschaftsaufgabe „Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur“ (GRW Infra), the federal and state governments support the recipients with up to 300.000 Euros per year. With the help of Aufbauwerk, the first funding period from 2017 to 2020 could be completed successfully and an extension for an additional three years, until 2023, was approved.

Under the premise “Sustainable. For a strong economy.” the Central Saxony district office implements a large number of measures with the aim of improving the marketing of the district and the cooperation between local companies to ultimately mobilize and strengthen regional growth potential. The focus during the extended funding period lies on regional products, handicrafts, industry and regional construction.

Representatives of companies of those key industries will meet regularly in the newly established umbrella working group to define the funded measures according to existing needs. At the first digital meeting on July 15, 2021, there was an initial orientation and getting to know each other. In addition to the umbrella working group, smaller working groups, defined according to the key sectors, are planned. Aufbauwerk will continue to accompany the entire process and advise the district office specifically from a funding point of view.


DEMO-EC: Follow-up Project in the Frame of the COVID-Crisis




05.07.2021 – In a 5th call of the Interreg Europe program, funding for one additional year of activities was granted for the ongoing project DEMO-EC.

Under the leadership of Aufbauwerk, the Interreg Europe project DEMO-EC is being implemented since January 2017. The project is scheduled to end in December 2021. Next to the German partners from Leipzig, municipalities from Poland, Slovenia, Italy and Spain participate in the project. DEMO-EC addresses the issue that the population of cities increases in Europe, which presents a challenge to the organization of transport, particularly in urban areas. The project aims at fostering low-carbon transport in cities through the integration of a mobility management.

The COVID-crisis had a significant impact on traffic and mobility in Europe. A new call, launched by the Interreg Europe program in spring 2021, addressed the effects of the crisis and offered recently completed and still ongoing projects the opportunity to continue the exchange of experience activities for one additional year. The additional funding gives partners the chance to continue working on their project topics and reviewing the influence the COVID-crisis had.

For the DEMO-EC project, Aufbauwerk handed in an application, together with the entire partnership, which was approved in June 2021. Beginning in the end of 2021, the partners will continue their work for another year, funded by the Interreg Europe program.


New EU Funding Period and Projects



15.06.2021 – The end of the 2014-2020 funding period and the start of the new 2021-2027 funding period affect the work of Aufbauwerk.

For over 25 years, Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH has been involved in project management. In addition to regional activities, Aufbauwerk has primarily specialized in projects on a European level. In 2020, Aufbauwerk was still actively involved in eight projects from EU funding sources.

When a funding period ends, all projects will gradually be terminated respectively. In the last few weeks, Aufbauwerk was able to successfully complete the two projects REFREsh and RURES from the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE program as lead partner, after three years of project duration. Other projects are also in the final project phases and will be completed by mid-2022.

The beginning of each funding period includes a realignment at EU-level. Among other things, priority topics are set for the next seven years and a budget is to be approved. Only when this has been done, new project calls will be started and applications can be submitted.

For this reason, the active project work of Aufbauwerk in 2021, and likely in 2022 as well, will primarily be characterized by regional projects and the completion of orders. However, Aufbauwerk intends to acquire EU funds in the new funding period again for the regions of Leipzig and Middle-Saxony. As soon as the first calls for the EU programs Interreg Europe and Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE start in late 2021 and early 2022, project development with partners from the region will become a big part of Aufbauwerk’s daily business. If you have any ideas or suggestions for cooperation, please do not hesitate to contact our project management team (projekt@aufbauwerk-leipzig.com) in the months to come.


Finance Seminars in the Project „Unternehmen Revier“



12. and 26.05.2021 - Aufbauwerk organized two finance seminars in May 2021 for participants of the project “Unternehmen Revier” from the Region of Central Germany.

Since 2017, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has been funding projects under the pilot project “Unternehmen Revier” that relate to the structural change process as result of the decarbonization in Germany. Burgenlandkreis, as a processing partner, and Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland Management GmbH, as a regional partner, are responsible for the selection of projects in the Central German area. Since 2018, they have been supported by Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH, who primarily provides financial advice on the management of subsidies for “Unternehmen Revier”.

As part of various calls for funding, competitions for ideas are carried out and individual projects from the region are selected for funding. With the start of a new call for funding, Aufbauwerk held two free-of-charge online finance seminars for funding recipients in May 2021. During the two-hour events, participants received important information on the topic of finances, e.g. the notification of grant, the expenditure and financing plan, the financial statements of use and the tendering process. In addition, the call for funds in 2021 and the final report, to be drawn up, were discussed.

The participants received extensive information on correct project accounting and had the opportunity to ask questions. Aufbauwerk plans to offer further finance seminars in the future, if necessary. Information will be made available on the website and potential participants will be contacted directly.


3rd Partner Meeting Nakopa between Leipzig and Ho Chi Minh City



The project partners from Leipzig and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam met online to discuss the progress and upcoming tasks in the project.

The City of Leipzig has maintained a friendly relationship with Ho Chi Minh City for many years, which is also reflected in the implementation of a large number of activities. With the intention of expanding project-related cooperation to future topics such as energy, the environment, mobility and sustainable urban planning, the City of Leipzig successfully applied to the funding program "Sustainable municipal development through partnership projects" (Nakopa). The aim of the three-year project (12/2019–11/2022) is to promote and increase the attractiveness of sustainable mobility offers in Ho Chi Minh City. This should be achieved by transferring the mobility stations, established in Leipzig, to Vietnam and by setting up pilot stations. Aufbauwerk supports the City of Leipzig in the implementation of the project.

Due to the corona pandemic, no physical meeting between the partners could take place in the course of the project so far. The third partner meeting was also implemented online.

At the time of the partner meeting, the locations of the two planned pilot stations in Ho Chi Minh City had already been determined. Now, it was time to define the functions and the design of the mobility stations. These could be tailored more precisely with the help of German experts, in order to enter the development phase in a next step. The construction and installation of the stations in Vietnam is planned for 2021. In the coming months, the regular exchange between Leipzig and Vietnam will be intensified in order to successfully achieve the project goal.


5th Peer Review E-MOB (online) in Romania




The fifth peer review of the E-MOB project took place online. The event was hosted by the Regional Development Agency Centru from Alba Iulia in Romania.

The Interreg Europe project E-MOB, in which Aufbauwerk acts as lead partner, aims at enhancing e-mobility solutions in regional passenger transport systems. The regular exchange of the partnership and external experts through peer reviews is a major part of the project.

Like all previous peer reviews, the one in Romania had to take place online due to the ongoing pandemic. Nevertheless, the partners learned a lot about the region and the focus topic "Urban public transport transformation by integrating electric vehicles” during the event. The Centru Region is the second strongest region in the country from a socio-economic point of view, after the capital of Bucharest. Investments in e-mobility are ongoing and the cities in the region are particularly expanding their fleets of trolley- and e-busses. By investing in e-mobility solutions for public transport, the topic will become more present in people’s everyday life and the region is contributing to a sustainable climate development.

During the peer review, all partners and invited experts from Germany, France, Spain and Hungary engaged in a vivid exchange on the topic. Thereby, the host from Romania was able to gain some important information from the other regions to integrate in his future work.


Transnational Workshop in the SACHE Project




15.04.2021 – All project partners took part in the transnational workshop online, which had the aim of planning and defining the upcoming activities for the second half of the project in more detail.

The aim of the project is to promote cultural heritage as an accelerator for creative entrepreneurship. In the first semesters, an analysis of the cultural and creative environment in the ten project regions in six countries was carried out and a project strategy was developed on the basis of these initial activities.

During the transnational workshop, partners and external experts had the opportunity to come together and develop a common understanding of the steps ahead. In addition, the event gave each partner the opportunity to contribute to the project and its progress. During the workshop, group discussions and -work were carried out in the digital space, which were collected on a central concept board.

Aufbauwerk participated in the workshop as well. The results of the three-hour online event will feed into the methodology of the upcoming work package in the project.


4th Peer Review E-MOB (online)




The fourth peer review of the E-MOB project took place online on February 24, 2021. The partner University of Western Macedonia from Kozani, Greece, hosted the event.

The Interreg Europe project E-MOB, in which Aufbauwerk acts as lead partner, aims at enhancing e-mobility solutions in regional passenger transport systems. The regular exchange of the partnership and external experts through peer review is a major part of the project.

Like all previous peer reviews, the last one in Kozani had to take place online due to the ongoing pandemic. Nevertheless, the partners learned a lot about the region around Kozani and especially the topic of charging stations for e-cars. The expansion of the network of charging stations is a big topic in the region and some investments in e-mobility and the associated infrastructure have already been made. Due to the decision to stop coal mining by 2024 in Greece, more and more attempts are being made to use sustainable energy solutions and to diversify the economy.



During the peer review, all partners and invited experts from Austria, Spain and Hungary engaged in a vivid exchange on the topic. Thereby, the host from Greece was able to gain some important tips and information from the other regions to integrate in its future work.


Conference of Municipal Partnerships with Asia



The third Conference of Municipal Partnerships with Asia will take place as a virtual format from March 1-3, 2021.

The Asia Conference is organized every three years by the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) from Engagement Global. As part of the “Partnership Projects for Sustainable Local Development (Nakopa)”, Engagement Global’s SKEW offers support for municipal partnership projects between German and foreign municipalities. The project is financed through funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

With the support of Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH, the City of Leipzig successfully implements a number of Nakopa-projects and works closely with its partner communities in Europe, Africa and Asia. An ongoing project is the collaboration with Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) in Vietnam. The aim of the three-year project (12/2019 - 11/2022) is to promote and increase the attractiveness of sustainable mobility offers in HCMC. This is to be achieved by transferring the mobility stations established in Leipzig to Vietnam and setting up pilot stations.

In this context, representatives of Aufbauwerk and the City of Leipzig will take part in the third Asia Conference. Exchanging experiences and knowledge with other municipalities implementing projects and the Asian partners will be a major part of the conference. Due to the Corona pandemic, the event originally planned to be held in Leipzig, will be implemented digitally this year.


Announcement: 3rd Peer Review E-MOB (online)




On December 10th, 2020, the 3rd E-MOB peer review will take place online. It is supervised by Aufbauwerk as lead partner. This time, the Hungarian partner from Paks will be hosting the event online.

The third Peer Review is now being implemented by Hungary and is taking place online. The previous peer reviews in July and September were already successfully carried out online by the Spanish and French partners, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The agenda for the upcoming peer review mainly includes the presentation of the development of the local e-bus system, the smart grid and, in general, e-mobility in Hungary. Due to the expected growth of the city of Paks, new, environmentally friendly concepts are required to improve local public transport. The main aim is to switch to electrically powered vehicles.

The peer review gives local experts the opportunity to explain the status of e-mobility in Paks and to present how the new measures are embedded in the existing system. Through an intensive exchange and a guided discussion, the partners and experts from the other project regions can give their feedback and ask questions. In this way, competencies are exchanged during each peer review and the regions can learn from each other within the project.


Upcoming: 2. Partner Meeting Nakopa Online



The 2. Partner Meeting will take place on November 25, 2020 in cooperation with Aufbauwerk Leipzig.

The City of Leipzig has had a very friendly relationship with Ho Chi Minh City for many years, also reflected in the implementation of a variety of activities. A milestone of the past years was in December 2018, when the City of Leipzig set up its own office in the German House in Ho Chi Minh City.

With the intention of extending their project-related cooperation to future topics, such as energy, environment, mobility and sustainable urban planning, the City of Leipzig was able to successfully apply for the "Sustainable Local Development through Partnership Projects" (Nakopa) funding program, which is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and managed by Engagement Global. The aim of the three-year project (12/2019 - 11/2022) is to promote and increase the attractiveness of sustainable mobility offers in Ho Chi Minh City. This should be achieved by transferring the mobility stations, established in Leipzig, to Vietnam and setting up pilot stations there. In the course of the project, the City of Leipzig will be supported by Aufbauwerk during the financial and project management.

Now the second partner meeting will take place on November 25, 2020. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the event is organized online. The workshop is going to be focused on the presentation of first results and further steps of the implementation of mobility stations in Ho Chi Minh City are introduced.


Upcoming: Federal Network Meeting RESQUE 2.0




The Federal Network Meeting of all partners from Germany will take place on November 26, 2020.

Since 2015, Aufbauwerk successfully manages the project RESQUE 2.0, which is funded by the ESF integration guideline of the federal government “Integration of Asylum Seekers and Refugees” (IvAF). The focus of the project is on the educational and professional qualification of the participants as well as their integration into the job market.

On November 26, 2020, the next Federal Network Meeting of RESQUE 2.0 will take place. The physical event will be implemented through video conferences in Berlin and Bonn, which will be connected to each other. Depending on further COVID-19 restrictions, the event might be organized in an entirely digital format. The (partially) digital implementation won’t affect the opportunity of the partners to exchange experiences.


Upcoming: Online Event about Cycling Tourism




As part of the Interreg Europe project ECO-CICLE on the topic of cycle tourism, Aufbauwerk is organizing an online event on November 9, 2020, from 09:30 am to 12:30 pm to present the project results.

ECO-CICLE aims to promote cycle tourism in natural areas. With the development of suitable measures and the preparation of action plans, regional development strategies in particular are to be influenced in order to give bicycles greater importance in the development of local recreation areas. Besides Aufbauwerk, partners from Spain, Poland, Slovenia and Italy as well as the European Cyclists' Federation from Belgium are taking part in the project. Aufbauwerk cooperates closely with Grüner Ring Leipzig (GRL) on a regional level during the project.

The event supports a regional and international exchange in the field of cycle tourism and aims at making its importance visible. Information about the development of cycle tourism in the Leipzig region and the work of the GRL will be given during the event. Aufbauwerk will present the project results for the development of measures for an action plan to increase cycle tourism in the area of Leipzig New Lakeland. In a final interactive discussion round, currently relevant topics will be discussed with the project partners and regional actors to foster an exchange of experience.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has restricted the ability to travel, the event will be broadcast online. The event language will be English.


Cultural Heritage as Accelerator for Sustainable Growth: Moving to the Implementation Phase




Many activities have been completed in the first project semesters which set the base for the upcoming implementation of the project strategy.

SACHE aims at promoting cultural heritage as accelerator for creative entrepreneurship and has started in April 2019. During the first semesters, an analysis of the cultural and creative environment in the ten project regions in six countries was conducted.

The major results from the first semesters include a methodology to strengthen the involvement of all actors within the project. It was elaborated based on benchmarking activities and a capitalization workshop during which all partners were involved. Cultural assets, actors and events were mapped in the ten regions as well as the needs and expectations of cultural institutions analysed. In addition, World Cafés were organized in the project countries and a transnational workshop with partners and experts held, to discuss trends in the industry.

With the third semester ending in September 2020, the project strategy was finalized based on the above-mentioned activities. This marks the starting point for the implementation of the strategy in the upcoming semesters to reach the project goal. Starting this fall, service portfolios and training contents for various target groups of the project are being developed. These contents are shaped during transnational and local co-creation courses, which will be open to actors and experts of the creative and cultural scenes from the project regions.

The “Transnational Co-Creation Course” will be hosted online on September 30, 2020, by a project partner from Venice, Italy, the Ca’ Foscari University. Interested parties in this or future project activities are welcome to contact Project Manager Ms. Julia Binder (binder@aufbauwerk-leipzig.com). Aufbauwerk is convinced that the SACHE project will provide an added value for Leipzig’s cultural and creative scene with the active participation of local actors.


Creative Industries in Rural Areas: Successful Completion of the REFREsh Project




In September, the Interreg Central Europe project REFREsh officially will come to an end.

As lead partner in the REFREsh project, Aufbauwerk led the final partner meeting on September 15, 2020. Due to the Corona pandemic, the meeting had to take place online. This unfortunately meant that the partners could not say goodbye to each other in person. During the meeting, the results achieved during the past three years were presented and the upcoming formal project closure was discussed.

The REFREsh project had the goal of revitalizing unused industrial heritage in rural regions in the five partner countries and making them usable for the creative scene. The buildings renovated in Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy and Croatia were presented during the meeting. The implemented measures and the before and after pictures showed the great improvements.

At the beginning of the project, concepts for the future use of the selected buildings were developed. The buildings were foreseen to become cultural centres. These concepts were tested in the last months of the project. In this regard, three pilot actions were implemented per region, including exhibitions or workshops on various topics. The pilot actions have proved the successful renovation of the now multifunctional buildings and confirmed the added value for the respective regions.

Due to the Corona pandemic, the implementation of the pilot actions in particular had to be adjusted. Together, the partners have found mostly digital solutions for the implementation. By filming many pilot actions and creating a YouTube channel for the project, the results are permanently available to a broad mass. This is another major achievement of the project.

Aufbauwerk and all partners enjoyed the transnational cooperation very much and will be able to build on the project results and experience gained for years to come.


E-MOB: Electric bus infrastructure for public transport in Amiens




On September 11, 2020, the second peer review took place as part of the Interreg Europe project E-MOB. The event, organized by the French project partner from Amiens (France), primarily focused on the integration of electric buses into local public transport.

The E-MOB project, supervised by Aufbauwerk as lead partner, was able to host the second peer review online on September 11, 2020. In the course of the project, an exchange of experiences between local actors of the administration and international experts is to be realized through peer reviews, so that existing planning instruments for e-mobility can be checked and further developed.

Three very interesting and vivid good practices were presented by Amiens during the peer review. In addition to a city-wide accessible electric bike rental and the first worldwide electric long-distance bus route (Flixbus), the main focus of the peer review was the NEMO public transport project. Amiens has a showcase project in Europe with three urban bus routes operated by 43 fully electric buses. Due to the presence of leading research and development companies in the field of electric drives and batteries, the region is generally of great importance in the further development of electric mobility.

The examples presented were then supplemented in more detail with presentations by local representatives from administration and industry. The project partners and international experts from Germany, Croatia, Greece and Austria thereby obtained a thorough picture of the current state of the art of electric buses and the necessary infrastructure solutions for local public transport.

Aufbauwerk thanks the project partner from Amiens and looks forward to the next peer review in Hungary.


Announcement: Financial Instruments for Energy Efficiency




The final event for the INTERREG Central Europe project FIRECE will take place online on September 16th, 2020!

To improve regional investments in measures that promote the transition to a low-carbon industry, NEU e.V. (Network Energy and Environment) participates in the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project FIRECE. The association is supported by the Aufbauwerk for the finalisation of the project.

The focus of the project is on financing instruments for companies to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. In addition to assessing existing funding opportunities, new, innovative instruments were developed in the participating regions. A tool was created for practical use, which enables companies to compare different financing options with one another.

In the final event on September 16th, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., the results will now be presented to a broad public. All interested parties can register under this link prior to the event. You can find the exact program here.


RESQUE 2.0 project extension approved




There was good news for the RESQUE 2.0 project in August. The project extension was approved until December 31, 2021.

Aufbauwerk has been entrusted with the management of the RESQUE 2.0 project since 2015, which is funded through the ESF integration guideline of the federal government "Integration of Asylum Seekers and Refugees". The focus is on the educational and professional qualification of the participants as well as their integration into the job market. In the now approved extension period until December 31, 2021, 70 new participants are to be won. Due to current developments and changing needs, the focus for the year 2021 will primarily be on young people and young adults who have fled the country to give support in the transition to apprenticeship and in the stabilization of apprenticeships that have already started. In addition, more attention is paid to women who have fled and people with the status of toleration (Duldung).

The extension of the project can be attributed to the intensive work of the actively involved partners, the Department for Migration of the City of Leipzig, the Caritasverband Leipzig e.V., the German Angestellten-Akademie and the KAUSA service point. Aufbauwerk would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for the commitment shown and wishes for the continuation of this successful work in the future.


Announcement: 2nd Peer Review E-MOB (online)




On September 7th, 2020, the 2nd E-MOB peer review will take place online. It is supervised by Aufbauwerk as lead partner. This time, the French partner from Amiens will be the host and will present electric buses for sustainable urban development.

The Interreg Europe project E-MOB aims at the international exchange of experts in electromobility and the review of existing mobility concepts in eight different European countries. After the first peer review was carried out by the Spanish partner from Cieza at the beginning of August, the second peer review is now taking place in France. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the foreseen physical and multi-day event had to be converted into a one-day, online format. The new format was used for the first time in Spain and has proven to be efficient and successful.

The French partner from Amiens will mainly focus on the infrastructure and technical solutions for electric buses. Métropole Amiens is considered a pioneer for this transport solution in the region and in France as well as an important research and development location for battery technology. In addition to all project partners, particularly experts from Germany, Croatia and Greece, will attend the event to provide their professional support. Aufbauwerk will be supported by a mobility and logistics expert from Innovationsregion Mitteldeutschland.


E-MOB: 2nd International Partner Meeting (online)




Shortly after the first international expert exchange, the second project partner meeting took place for the E-MOB project which Aufbauwerk supervised as Lead Partner.

E-MOB (Integrated actions towards enhanced e-mobility in European regions) aims to improve electromobility solutions in municipalities from eight European countries. In the course of the project, existing planning instruments for e-mobility will be checked and further developed through an exchange of experience between local actors in the administration and international experts. The large number of participating countries with their different stages of development in the field of electromobility lead to a broad, intensive and fruitful exchange across Europe.

On July 15th, 2020 the second partner meeting in the project took place. As it is still not possible to hold physical meetings, the partners from France, Croatia, Greece, Austria, Romania, Spain and Hungary met online again. The first item on the agenda was the feedback of the first online peer review organized by Cieza (Spain). Despite the limitations in the organization of the normally two- to three-day event, a very good exchange of experts could be carried out. The municipality of Cieza received valuable feedback on its development strategies in electromobility as well as initial approaches to transferring practical examples from other regions.

After this brief review, the administrative tasks of the project were on the agenda. The first semester was summarized and the tasks to be performed in the second semester were discussed. It was noted that there were some shifts in the project due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the progress of the project is satisfactory. All project-related events will continue to take place online until the end of this year. The first physical events should only be considered at the beginning of next year.

At the end of the meeting, each partner was asked to summarize the first project year for themselves. It was very gratifying to hear that the E-MOB project is of great importance for each region and that the collaboration among the project is highly valued.


E-MOB: 1st Expert Exchange on E-Mobility in Cieza, Spain




The first peer review took place on 01.07.2020 as part of the Interreg Europe project E-MOB. It was organized by Aufbauwerk and the Spanish project partner Cieza.

The E-MOB project, managed by Aufbauwerk as lead partner, aims to improve e-mobility in various European cities. In the course of the project, peer reviews are to be conducted to exchange experiences between local actors from city administration and international experts. Thereby, the existing planning instruments for e-mobility can be checked and further developed. The first peer review was hosted by the Spanish project partner from Cieza. Due to the ongoing corona restrictions, the event, which usually lasts several days, took place online.

First, two good practice examples were presented in a video. The City of Cieza has implemented a fleet of electric motorcycles for its employees and there is a company that operates electric vehicles to maintain the green areas in the region. The international experts from Austria, Hungary, Romania and Greece had the opportunity to address their questions directly to the operators of the presented examples.

In the subsequent learning conference and discussion, further relevant content for the implementation of electromobility solutions in Cieza was presented. Among others, students from FH Vorarlberg (Austria) checked local Austrian e-mobility projects for their transferability to Cieza. Based on all presentations, an interactive and lively discussion between the participants emerged, in which specific requirements of action and potential solutions or improvements were highlighted.

Overall, a good overview of topics that are relevant for the project partners have been given and will now be examined in more detail in the upcoming peer reviews. Aufbauwerk thanks Cieza and the project partners as well as all experts for a successful event.


Mobility Stations for Ho Chi Minh City



On June 24, 2020, the Nakopa project "Leipzig - Ho Chi Minh City" started successfully with an online kick-off event.

The City of Leipzig has had a very friendly relationship with Ho Chi Minh City for many years, which is also reflected in the implementation of a variety of activities. A milestone of the past years was in December 2018, when the City of Leipzig set up its own office in the German House in Ho Chi Minh City. Emphasized should also be the most recent support for the City of Leipzig through the delivery of special equipment from Ho Chi Minh City to combat the Corona pandemic.

With the intention of extending their project-related cooperation to future topics, such as energy, environment, mobility and sustainable urban planning, the City of Leipzig was able to successfully apply for the "Sustainable Local Development through Partnership Projects" (Nakopa) funding program, which is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and managed by Engagement Global. The aim of the three-year project (12/2019 - 11/2022) is to promote and increase the attractiveness of sustainable mobility offers in Ho Chi Minh City. This should be achieved by transferring the mobility stations, established in Leipzig, to Vietnam and setting up pilot stations there.

The kick-off event was now organized and hosted in cooperation with Aufbauwerk. Due to the corona restrictions, the event took place online and started with a small video message from Mayor Burkhardt Jung as a greeting. The focus of the event was on the different traffic concepts of the two cities as well as the mobility stations in Leipzig. In the course of the project, the City of Leipzig will be supported by Aufbauwerk during the financial and project management.


Energy Efficiency in Rural Regions: Successful Completion of the RURES Project




In June, the Interreg Central Europe project RURES officially came to an end.

For three years, eleven partners from six countries have worked together on the subject of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. First, best practice examples for alternative financing models for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources from Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia were collected within the project. Feasibility studies for the implementation of energy efficiency plans were then carried out in the mentioned project regions. These served as the basis for the pre-investment concepts which were subsequently developed. Based on this, five investments were implemented in the respective countries in the course of the project. In Germany, a new ventilation system with heat recovery function was installed in a gym in Leisnig, Saxony. The new system brings significant energy savings and works in an environmentally friendly manner.

In addition to these investments, another important project result was the development of an online added value calculator for renewable energies. It was developed by all partners under the leadership of the Technical University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic. This tool can be used to determine which energy systems can be suitable for a given situation. The value calculator is available free of charge in all six project languages and in English. The application is simple and there are a manual and videos available on how to use the tool. It is therefore usable for a broad mass and is intended to help increase the use of renewable energies in Europe.

Despite some restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all project goals were achieved during the planned timeframe. The project has delivered sustainable results. Aufbauwerk and all partners enjoyed the cooperation very much and will be able to build on the project results and gained experience in the future. In the next few weeks and months, there are still many administrative tasks to be completed by Aufbauwerk in order to formally close the project.


DEMO-EC: Good Practice from Leipzig published




June 2020 - A flagship example on the subject of traffic from the City of Leipzig was published on a transnational learning platform.

The goal of the Interreg Europe project DEMO-EC is to promote low-carbon transport in European cities by introducing a mobility management. From Germany, Aufbauwerk, as lead partner, and the City of Leipzig are involved. During the project, good practice examples from all regions are being selected. These serve as a source of inspiration for the project partners from six countries, but also for other interested parties.

The Interreg Europe program operates a "Policy Learning Platform" on which particularly relevant good practices from various projects are being published. In order to make it onto the platform, some information must be provided, which must first be confirmed by representatives of the program and in a further step be approved by experts on the respective topic.

The City of Leipzig's good practice “Citizen Competition for Mobility Planning” has now made it onto this platform. This is not only a great success for the project, but also a compliment for the city and the partners involved. You can find the publication here.


Energy Efficiency in Rural Regions: Final Partner Meeting RURES




Announcement: The sixth and last partner meeting in the RURES project will take place on Monday, June 29, 2020.

The project focuses on promoting measures related to the use of renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency in five rural regions in Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Germany. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the final meeting will take place online. A multi-day event was originally planned in Leisnig, Saxony. Now, all partners will review the last three successful project years during a digital meeting. For the last time, the eleven partners will exchange their experiences and discuss the milestones that have been reached.

The digital meeting will be led by Aufbauwerk as the lead partner in the project. Representatives of the sponsor of this Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project will also take part in the three-hour meeting. After the official end of the project in June, there are still many administrative tasks due to complete the project.

More information about the project can be found here.


Pooling Competencies for E-Mobility




As part of the E-MOB project, the Aufbauwerk is now strengthen its regional activities with the 2050CliMobCity project.

The Interreg Europe project E-MOB aims to improve electromobility solutions in eight European regions and to integrate them into regional passenger transport systems. Coordinated learning and planning with political decision-makers and an international exchange of experience are intended to influence and develop existing planning instruments. In the city of Leipzig, the Aufbauwerk is targeting the concept "Leipzig - City for intelligent mobility", which describes the implementation of measures in electromobility.p>

In this context, the Aufbauwerk was able to establish a connection with the Interreg Europe project 2050CliMobCity, which is managed by the Leipzig Economic Development Office. The project deals in general with climate mitigation in the area of urban mobility and tries in particular to answer questions about CO2 savings in transport with the support of scientific research. The resulting measures should also serve to update the “Leipzig - City for intelligent mobility” concept.

Since both projects pursue the same goals, a joint working group has been set up to coordinate regional activities and coordinate the work on the content. E-MOB will focus on the topic of electric charging stations, their infrastructure and regulations as well as their connection between urban and rural regions. 2050CliMobCity, on the other hand, specializes in scientific models for CO2 savings in traffic. Through this cooperation, the influence of the E-MOB project on the targeted policy instrument will be strengthened and made more effective.


Value Calculator for Renewable Energies




A key outcome of the RURES project will be disseminated in the region.

Aufbauwerk takes part in the European project RURES, in which 11 partners from six countries deal with the topic of promoting renewable energies in rural regions. An online value creation calculator was developed during the project and is available free of charge. The calculator serves as an aid for municipalities, private individuals, public and private companies and can show the individual advantages and suitability for the use of certain renewable energy sources. We would now like to introduce the calculator as well as its functions and advantages to you. You will have the opportunity, free of charge, on the following dates:

Webinar on Wednesday, June 17, at 10am (online)

Webinar on Wednesday, June 24, at 3pm (online)

Both webinars take place in the form of online meetings, which are carried out with the support of an energy expert from seecon Ingenieure, Leipzig. Via a link you can comfortably take part in the 45-60-minute webinar from home or from office and also actively participate / ask questions. The webinars are recorded and a video is then made available on the project's YouTube channel and the project website.

Please register by submitting the following information to Ms. Binder (binder@aufbauwerk-leipzig.com) at least two days before the desired date.

Date of Webinar:

Name, first name:




Cultural heritage as accelerator for sustainable growth: 3. Partner Meeting for SACHE




Caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the third partner meeting took place online.

The project SACHE aims at promoting cultural heritage as accelerator for creative entrepreneurship and has started in April 2019. Originally, the third partner meeting was scheduled to take place these days in Venice, Italy. Because of the ongoing Corona crisis, the meeting was moved online and took place virtually.

The main contents of the meeting were the open tasks of the different work packages. The first work package contained preparation tasks, such as mapping the cultural and creative scenes in the project regions. The tasks are almost completed and work package two, dealing with value services to promote accelerators of creative entrepreneurship, has to be tackled next. Another topic during the meeting was the report about the second project semester which will be handed in shortly.

An issue discussed during the online meeting that heavily influences the project work, are the COVID-19 restrictions in the different countries. SACHE contains many events and workshops where people are supposed to gather and connect. During the past months, strong restrictions for those gatherings were active and are, in many regions, still ongoing. Therefore, these events had to be postponed and will be, if possible, replaced by digital meetings in the next months. Nevertheless, the entire partnership is motivated to continue the project work in the best way possible and find alternative solutions during these unusual times.


ECO-CICLE supports regional cycling route




The Interreg Europe project ECO-CICLE aims at promoting cycle tourism in natural areas. Above all, regional development strategies are to be influenced in order to make the use of bicycles more important in the development of local recreation areas.

In the course of the project, Aufbauwerk works closely with “Grüner Ring Leipzig”. This is a regional association of cities and municipalities which was founded in 1996 and that wants to increase the attractiveness of the City of Leipzig and its surrounding area. In recent years, the Grüner Ring Leipzig has developed two large-scale cycling routes in and around Leipzig. In the next few years, the focus will be on the qualitative expansion of the former cycling route "Äußerer Grüner Ring", which extends over 134km passes through 14 municipalities. The necessary recommendations for measures to be implemented are developed within the framework of the ECO-CICLE project by Aufbauwerk, with the support of the external service provider StadtLabor and regional stakeholders. The qualification of the new “Grüner Ring Leipzig - Cycling Route” intends not only to strengthen the potential for cycling tourism in the surrounding Leipzig region, but also the importance of bicycles for the development of existing natural areas.

You can find an interesting article in German on this topic here.


Application for project extension of RESQUE 2.0



An application for a project extension until the end of 2021 was handed in.

As lead partner, Aufbauwerk manages the RESQUE 2.0 project, which deals with the qualification and labor market integration of refuges, since 2015. After a first project extension until the end of 2020 was granted, the work of all project partners, including the Department for Migration of the City of Leipzig, Caritasverband Leipzig e.V. and Deutschen Angestellten Akademie, is in full swing.

Together with the project partners, it was decided that an additional application for a project extension until the end of 2021 would be submitted. During the extension, the current achievements shall be cemented and new project participants admitted. With the help of all partners, the application for extension was handed in by Aufbauwerk at the end of April.

During the extension period, 70 new participants are planned to be admitted. The focus of the project work in 2021 will be on teenagers and young adults who are starting or have recently started an apprenticeship, on female refugees and those whose status is “tolerated”. These focus groups were selected due to recent developments and general needs.


New projects for the Aufbauwerk!



Despite the currently limited work due to national and regional restrictions due to COVID-19, the Aufbauwerk has been able to participate in some new projects in the past few weeks.

Above all, the cooperation with the local cluster management of the Energy and Environment Network (NEU e.V.) was intensified again. The Aufbauwerk supports the project completion of the Interreg Central Europe project FIRECE and the COSME project SmartCTCluster which started in the beginning of the year.

The FIRECE project (Innovative Financial Instruments for industry low carbon energy transition in Central Europe) focuses on the topic of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies. Financing instruments of public administrations are being examined and further developed as well as tested for SMEs. The aim is to improve regional investment in measures for the transition to a low-carbon industry.

Within the EU's COSME program, NEU e.V. was able to successfully participate in the SmartCTCluster project (Smart Cities through smart clustering). The project aims at the integration of Smart City approaches into existing cluster strategies and tries to develop new interregional cluster relationships by establishing a European cluster exchange platform (ClusterXChange).

For both projects, the Aufbauwerk will primarily support financial management and networking with the regional actors.


Updates from the Aufbauwerk in times of COVID-19




Dear partners and friends of the Aufbauwerk,

In the past few weeks and months, the working conditions have changed significantly for many people due to the corona pandemic. In addition to short-time work and home office, the biggest challenges lie in communicating with the project partners and implementing the current project tasks. For us as Aufbauwerk, this also has brought us some changes.

We can still be found in our office space, but our work is shifting mainly to online. Virtual meetings are now regularly on the agenda and require not only the technical implementation but also an adjustment of their content. For example, multi-day peer reviews must be brought into formats that can be carried out online and without losing quality. There are also obstacles to the financial implementation of the projects, since the corona effects can be felt at every project level.

However, it can be said that broad solidarity has developed in the projects. Starting with the lead and project partners up to the administrative levels of the EU, the current situation is handled very carefully.

We hope that a day-to-day work routine can be set up again, which can be described as "normal" and that we can continue our work successfully until then.

Your Aufbauwerk


Information to all our projects you'll find here.


Meeting of the strategic partners of RESQUE 2.0



The strategic partner meeting of RESQUE 2.0 took place once again on February 24, 2020.

In addition to expanding our network with the KAUSA service centre and we successfully extended the RESQUE 2.0 project until December 31, 2020, the current challenges and future goals of the partners were also discussed. On the one hand, the adaptation to the changed legal basis and its implementation will be important. On the other hand, you will mainly focus on women and their special life situations.

RESQUE 2.0 has been working successfully since 2015 in the further qualification and labour market integration of refugees with the help of a broad network of actors such as the Department for Migration of the City of Leipzig, the Caritasverband Leipzig e.V., the Deutschen Angestellten Akademie or the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. More information can be found here.


1st International Partner Meeting and Peer Review Workshop



On February 4th, 2020 the first international partner meeting and a peer review workshop of the E-MOB project took place in Kozani, Greece. Aufbauwerk acts as lead partner during the project.

After the successful Kick-Off meeting in September 2019 in Leipzig, where all project partners met for the first time, the focus of this meeting was on the preparation of the project work. Aufbauwerk informed all partners about their tasks within the project and especially for the recently started second semester. A common communication strategy was for example developed. This provided a good overview of the current and upcoming semesters, which will support the partners in their work.

In addition to the coordinative tasks, the planning and conception of peer reviews during a workshop was a main part of the agenda. Peer reviews serve the transnational exchange of experiences. Experts from the project regions will study and evaluate good practice examples and discuss different measures in field of electromobility. In the course of these multi-day events, experts should report on their experiences and provide implementation-related assistance. Based on this exchange of experience, action plans will be developed in all regions during the project, which will later be implemented. The first peer reviews are planned for Cieza (Spain), Amiens (France) and Paks (Hungary).

Current information on the project can also be found on facebook or LinkedIn.


Cultural heritage as accelerator for sustainable growth: 2. Partner meeting for SACHE in Slovenia




Ljubljana, 17.12.-18.12.2019 – Just before Christmas 2019, the second partner meeting for the SACHE project took place in Slovenia.

Transnational Workshop at the Museum for Architecture and Design

SACHE aims at promoting cultural heritage as accelerator for creative entrepreneurship. After having worked on the project for more than half a year, the second partner meeting was used for partners to exchange first experiences they have made during the project timeframe. During the first months, the creative scene in all ten project regions was mapped and a project methodology developed.

The meeting was combined with a transnational workshop on creative entrepreneurship trends for the valorisation of cultural assets. The workshop took place at the Museum for Architecture and Design in Ljubljana. Invited experts gave their insights and went in a fruitful discussion with the project partners.

Both meeting days were completed successfully and partners are prepared for taking the next steps in the project.


25 years of Aufbauwerk: Celebration at the “Museum der bildenden Künste” in Leipzig




On the evening of December 5th 2019, the team of the Aufbauwerk celebrated, together with numerous guests, their 25-year anniversary at the “Museum der bildenden Künste” in Leipzig.

Mayor Burkhard Jung

After a few words of welcome by our general manager, all guest raised their glasses to toast to the next quarter century of Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig.

Next point of order was the speech by Leipzig’s mayor, Burkhard Jung. He likened the Aufbauwerk to a tropical lungfish, which lives on stored nutrients in times of hardship and thanked Ms Rückert and the team of the Aufbauwerk for the successful work for the city and the region.

This was followed by a film segment comprised of congratulatory messages from various companions of the Aufbauwerk, which you can also view on the main page of our website. After the official program was concluded, Ms Rückert opened the buffet and the evening finished in a relaxed atmosphere with champagne and delicious snacks.

We would like to sincerely thank all our guests and especially all congratulants from our video segment for the nice evening!


ECO-CICLE: 3. Partner Meeting 05.-06.11.2019 in Potenza




On the 5 and 6 November 2019 the Aufbauwerk team participated to the third partner meeting of the project ECO-CICLE that took place in Potenza and Matera in Basilicata, a region of Southern Italy. The meeting was organised the university of Basilicata.

Group picture of all participants

The first day during the learning conference we had the opportunity to learn about the plans of the Italian municipalities concerning cycling infrastructure. Representatives of the regional government administrations, local activists’ groups, representatives of cycling related business had the opportunity to present their visions for a future cycling infrastructure.

The second day was dedicated to the administrative part of the project and the selection vote of the good practices.

ECO-CICLE’s main objective is to improve operational programs and regional development policies to allocate Structural Funds and other investment funds in infrastructure and support to cycle tourism service providers.

More Information about the project can be found here or on the project website.
Further questions? Contact us:info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.

Creative Industries in Rural Areas: 5th REFREsh Partner Meeting in Croatia




Lokve, Croatia, 15.-16.10.2019 – In mid-October, the fifth partner meeting of the project REFREsh took place in a beautiful location.

Group picture of all participants

As lead partner in the Central Europe project REFREsh, Aufbauwerk managed the two-day partner meeting in Croatia. In the frame of the project, five unused industrial buildings in Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy and Croatia will be refurbished and revitalized to create a place for actors of the creative industries. The fifth meeting took place in the project building of the Croatian partner by a lake in Lokve, in the northern part of the country.

During the meetings on the first day, the current status of the project as well as open tasks for the current fifth and partially for the upcoming sixth semester were discussed. Additionally, the project building was inspected in depth and completed works during the refurbishment pointed out and explained by the Croatian partner. As works are almost completed, the meeting could take place in the finalized indoors of the building.

On the second day, content related topics were on the agenda. All project regions presented the current status of their buildings and explained the implemented works. Two buildings are already completed and two more are about to be finalized. To achieve an actual revitalization of the buildings through the project, pilot actions in all regions are planned during which the regional creative scenes will be heavily involved. The planned pilot actions were presented during the meeting by all partners for their respective region. An important point of discussion was the transnational exchange during the pilot actions, which will be further prepared in the upcoming weeks.

The meeting ensured another intensive exchange among the European partners and revealed that the project is on a good path. This good cooperation will ensure a successful project completion in the year 2020.


More Information about the project can be found here or on the project website.
Further questions? Contact us:info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.

Promoting e-mobility: Joint learning as key to new transport concepts




Leipzig, 26.09.-27.09.2019 – At the end of the last week in September, Aufbauwerk hosted the international kick-off meeting for the E-MOB project. The project is concerned with the targeted impact on political instruments in favor of promoting e-mobility. This meeting assembled 15 participants from nine different partner institutions from all over Europe.

The first day was dedicated to getting acquainted with the project, the participating institutions and the targeted policy instruments. After completing the theoretical part of the day in the early afternoon, the project delegation made its way to the first point on the agenda of the subsequent study visit: the car centre of the ride service CleverShuttle. The business model of the company is based on the exclusive use of electric shuttles and ride pooling. After the guided tour of the premises was completed, the delegation took some CleverShuttles to the bus yard of the Leipzig Public Transport Services in the district of Lindenau. At this location the participants gained valuable insights on the current status of electrical busses within the transport concept of the city of Leipzig and were given a technical demonstration on the charging process of such a bus at a temporary charging station in the district of Connewitz. The first day was rounded off by a joint dinner at Auerbachs Keller.

On the second day, the participants were introduced to the administrative side of the project. This took place in the form of presentations about the management and communication of the project as well as the most important tasks of the first two semesters and the methodology of the projected peer reviews.

Further questions? More information can be found here or contact us via info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.


A fall with many regional and international encounters!




Leipzig, 20.09.2019 – With the beginning of fall, many regional and international partner meetings are scheduled. Aufbauwerk already starts preparing for these meetings, during which the main focus will be on the exchange with partners and the promotion of Leipzig region. A full agenda but exciting times are coming up for Aufbauwerk.

During the upcoming months not only international partner meetings are scheduled, but also regional working group meetings, such as for the project RESQUE 2.0. and the project Regionalbudget Central-Saxony. The main purpose of these regional meetings is to strengthen the cooperation and establishing a basis for future regional and international projects. Aufbauwerk will participate actively in all meetings that take place in in Leipzig, Spain, Greece, Croatia and Slovenia.

For next week, two partner meetings are on the agenda already: one in Spain for the project RATIO and one in Leipzig in frame of the brand-new project E-MOB. Aufbauwerk is looking forward to welcoming its eight project partners from seven European countries of the project E-MOB in Leipzig from September 26 until September 27. During this two-day event the main focus will be on getting to know each other and organization the upcoming 4 years of cooperation.

A stressful but quite interesting time with a lot of regional and international encounters is coming up this fall. The highlight will be our special event for Aufbauwerk’s 25th anniversary in December 2019!

An overview of all upcoming events can be found here.


Further questions? More information can be found here or contact us via info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.


Supporting the cultural sector: Saxony, Germany and Europe




06.09.2019, Leipzig – As expert for funding programmes, Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig expands its service offers into the field of cultural funding programmes on regional, national and European level.

On May 10, 2019 an information event for actors of the creative and cultural industry took place in the rooms of Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH. This event was organised in cooperation with the Department for Culture of the City of Leipzig. The event was a great success with many participants and a lot of positive feedback.

During the event, all participant received an overview and more information about existing cultural funding programmes. In this context, the services of Aufbauwerk – i.e. project and finance management – were introduced as well. There are a lot of cultural funding programmes for various purposes and target groups. Each of them has its own requirements and deadlines to consider. This can make the application process rather challenging which is why we prepared an overview of the current cultural funding programmes in Saxony, Germany and Europe and corresponding sources of information for interested visitors.


Further questions? More information can be found here or contact us via info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.


Extension of the „RESQUE 2.0“ project




Leipzig, 08.08.2019 – After In early July 2019, the „RESQUE 2.0“ project has been extended by 18 months until December 2019.


The Aufbauwerk is looking forward to continuing the successful cooperation with the Caritas Association Leipzig e.V., the German Employee Academy GmbH, the Department for Migration and Integration of the City of Leipzig and the numerous strategic partners. All project partners will continue their joint effort to improve the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in the job market as well as in formal and professional education. Project measures include the creation of consultation and qualification offers, placement in education programs and the focused sensibilisation for stakeholders on the job market for the needs of refugees.

The project is funded as part of the ESF Federal Integration Directive with the Main Focus “Integration of Asylum Seekers and Refugees”.

To learn more about the “RESQUE 2.0” project, please click here.

Further questions? Contact us:info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.

Aufbauwerk turns 25 years!




Leipzig, 07.08.2019 – After many successful years of working in regional and international project management, Aufbauwerk is happy to celebrate its 25th anniversary this fall with partners and friends in Leipzig.

As a joint municipal cooperation of the City of Leipzig and the surrounding administrative districts, Aufbauwerk is well established in the region. The focus of our work is strengthening urban and regional development through European and national funding programs. Thereby, the development, management and documentation of EU-projects plays a particularly important role. Within the scope of our 25th anniversary, we would like to properly celebrate our success story with a special event in Leipzig in December 2019. Our management and the entire team are looking forward to welcoming all partners and friends from Aufbauwerk to this event. We are especially excited that the mayor of Leipzig, Mr. Jung, will be giving a speech to open the event.


E-MOBility of the future




Leipzig, 25.06.2019 – Topics like the protection of the environment and alternative means of transportation have taken a prime spot in the daily news. Diesel cars are constantly under pressure and electric cars are assuming a much more prominent role in the public eye. E-cars are no longer distant dreams of the future, but constitute a sustained trend within the car industry. E-mobility does not only find its application in privately owned vehicles, but bears potential for taxis, bicycles and scooters as well. The e-mobility industry and the connected mobility concepts still have a lot of potential to develop and establish within society.

In this context we are pleased to announce the approval of the new EU project E-MOB, which deals at its center with the topic of e-mobility. This project is funded by the Interreg Europe program and will enable the Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH to utilize its expertise as project leader and administrator to guide the project to a fruitful conclusion

Nine partners from 8 different European countries (Germany, Hungary, France, Croatia, Greece, Austria, Romania and Spain) will focus their capabilities and knowledge to bring more attention to the topic of e-mobility in the respective regions and enable political decision makers with a concrete action plan to put e-mobility into practice. Through local and international cooperation as well as an intense mutual exchange the project strives for a more sustainable society with a new, e-focused mobility concept.

The E-MOB project will commence in August 2019 and is expected to reach its goal of creating an action plan in 2021.

For more Information about Interreg Europe click here.

Further questions? Contact us: info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.


Rural areas in Europa and their creative industry




Meeting location

Castello di Godego, 15.04-16.04.2019 – Increasingly more older buildings are empty in rural areas. It is challenging to find new tenants or buyers for these buildings. Meanwhile, younger generations are moving away from rural areas to bigger cities, leaving the local creative scene and industry struggling. One of the possibilities to overcome this problem is to revitalise these empty buildings in order to make them available for the local creative scene. This forms the topic of the European project REFREsh.

From April 15 till 16, 2019, nine project partners from Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy and Croatia came together in Castello di Godego (Italy). The current project topics were on the agenda of this international meeting. After 1,5 years of working on this project, every partner has identified a project site and is preparing a revitalisation concept. The next step consists of renovating these buildings in order to implement the revitalisation concepts.

All partners presented their regional pre-investment concepts and further ideas during the meeting. They had the possibility to get tips and recommendations from the other partners. Furthermore, the Italian project site, an old warehouse, was visited. The Italian partners showed that the construction works are almost finished and that they are approaching the next step in the project: the implementation of their revitalisation concept.

Villa Motterle Zileri

A second visit was paid to the property “Villa Motterle Zileri”, which consists of several villas. These have been renovated by the property owner and rented to a wide variety of companies and private families, who are looking for an exclusive living space. This visit showed the possibilities of a project, such as REFREsh, and motivated all partners to aim for an extraordinary project result!





More Information about the project can be found here or on the project website.
Further questions? Contact us:info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.


Sustainable travelling – business trips and commutes




Budapest, 13.05.-14.05.2019 – Preparing new mobility plans is a very present topic in modern society. Questions such as “How to raise awareness for sustainable mobility?” or “How to achieve a CO2-reduction in cities, especially in metropolis?” are occupying the society. These kinds of questions were the starting point of the European project MOVECIT. “How to increase awareness among the employees of city administrations for sustainable means of transportation on business trips and commutes?” was the main question of the project.

After three years of hard work, the 10 partners from Slovenia, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Italy and Slovakia met from May 13 until 14, 2019 in Budapest for their last partner meeting and final conference. On the first day, an exchange of experience and last discussions between the partners were held. On the second day, May 14, the final conference was organised in the rooms of the University Budapest.

International representatives from mobility companies, universities and cities were invited to the final conference. After an introduction about the MOVECIT project, the topics sustainable mobility and mobility planning were introduced. During the panel discussion with mobility experts, the topic sustainable mobility and its perspectives for the future were discussed in depth. The conference ended with the presentation of success stories of the project MOVECIT, e.g. development of a training manual for mobility and a handbook (Leipzig) or the introduction of walking initiatives of three Austrian municipalities.

The MOVECIT project was successfully closed in Budapest and the partners can proudly look back at the positive outcomes of the project. Every partner tried its best to reduce the CO2 emissions during commutes and to sensitize employees of city administrations for a more sustainable behaviour on business trips and commutes. During the project, the first electro bikes for business trips and commutes have been purchased for the city of Leipzig.

More Information about the project can be found on the project website.
Further questions? Contact us:info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.


Renewable Energy: RURES Partner Meeting in Lenti, Hungary




Lenti, 06.05. - 07.05.2019 – The fourth international RURES partner meeting was organized by the Zala County Government. Venue of the meeting was the Thermal Hotel Balance in Lenti in the south west of Hungary, which attracts tourists and spa-goers from all over Europe. The agenda for the attending partners and experts included a thorough discussion of the current project progress, as well as a peer review and study visit.

After a very warm welcome from the vice president of the General Assembly of Zala County and the mayor of Lenti, the meeting transitioned directly to the specific project topics. The focus of the meeting was on the development of a value calculator for renewable energy systems. With this goal in mind, every partner was asked to present their pilot investment and a typical renewable energy system for their region to build a solid knowledge base for the value calculator. After the individual partner presentations, the Technical University of Ostrava presented the projected structure and contents of the calculator. Following this, all participants visited the town of Nagypáli, which is in many ways a great example for the utilization of renewable energy systems. The day ended with the joint visit of a traditional Hungarian restaurant.

The second day started off with the administrative part of the presentations, in which the Aufbauwerk Leipzig gave updates on the work packages Administration and Management. These two presentations were completed by a presentation about the work package communication by the RURES communications officer. After the theoretical part of the day was over, the Mayor of Lenti presented the Hungarian pilot action in the form of an “energy yard” in the district of Lentiszombathely, where interested parties can see demonstrations of solar panels, a wind power plant and a vegetable oil generator.

More Information about the project can be found here or on the project website.
Further questions? Contact us:info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.


Cultural heritage as accelerator for sustainable growth




Venice, 29.04.-30.04.2019 – Cultural heritage is an important topic in European countries. So far, it is mostly companies who offer sponsorship, publicity and services to cultural heritage facilities. But why not going the other way around and making cultural heritage the accelerator for growth in creative industries and related companies?

The start for the Central Europe project SACHE (Smart Accelerators of Cultural Entrepreneurship) was set with a first partner meeting in Italy. SACHE aims at developing strategies that would accelerate creative entrepreneurship within and around cultural heritage. Representatives of the twelve participating partners of the SACHE project from Italy, Germany, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and Poland met for the first time in Italy to kick-off the project. The meeting took place in an old monastery in the centre of Venice.

Getting to know each other and finding common grounds for future cooperation were the focus of the first partner meeting in Venice. During the two meeting days, each partner’s role within the project was defined and the route for the project implementation for the three years of the project duration was set.

It was a fruitful meeting and all partners are looking forward to getting started and to implementing first activities. Aufbauwerk will focus on the Leipzig region and its rich cultural heritage during the project. A next project meeting to discuss first results will take place in fall in Pècs, Hungary.


More Information about the project can be found here.
Further questions? Contact us:info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.


Travelling across Europe by bike




Torún, 09.04-10.04.2019 – The spring has started. People start to go out more often for strolling in cities or nature areas. It’s a fact that cycling is still a popular mean of transport to explore new cities and its rural areas – day trips or even cycling holidays. Because of the rise of popularity for cycling tourism, the influence of this kind of tourism on nature – especially on nature reserves – has been questioned.

This topic – cycling tourism – forms the focus of the European project ECO-CICLE. Project partner coming from Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium and Germany have met from the 9th until the 10th of April 2019 in Torun (Poland). The topic “cycling tourism” and its offering potential for European regions have been the main focus of this 2-day international meeting. On the second day of the meeting, representatives for polish cycling tourism departments have joint the ECO-CICLE partner meeting. Because of their participation to the meeting the ECO-CICLE project, these representatives have been informed about the main goals of this European project. On the other side, the project partners have been introduced to existing good practices concerning bicycle tourism in the polish region.

In several regions across Poland a lot has happened in order to renovate and to expand the network of European bicycling routes. The project “Green Velo” forms a good example of the undertaken improvements. Green Velo is a bicycling route-network of 2.000 km across the east part of Poland. Using the mobile application and/or the website of Green Velo users have the opportunity to plan their cycling trips or holidays in the eastern polish region. Due to the planning of the trip over this application users may add tourist attractions, accommodations and restaurants along the trip.

At the end of this 2-day-meeting, the project partners could test the cycling route in the rural area of Torún. – Concluding, in order to promote cycling tourism in rural areas a lot has been undertaken. Projects as the ECO-CICLE project stimulate the further development of this kind of tourism. In scope of this project, concrete actions will be planned for the area around the lakes of Leipzig.

For more information about the further developments of the project, please take a look at the project Website.


Further questions? Contact us:info(at)aufbauwerk-leipzig.com.